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  1. ну вы бичара, приперлись тут и умничайте, профиль заполните =) блин чет я не в настроении жечь)) да и решение по абсу не очень простое как вы написали что ручками... может вы от этого прибора еще захотите в бехе M35080 через дырку мотануть без обид, мы тут любим шутить
  2. машина уехала, спасибо
  3. подскажите каким производителей 93c86 можно заменить память в семе, родная микра отказывается принимать новый дамп
  4. херня это все что там вам написали. меняйте ничего прописывать не надо адаптации потом сбрасываете и едете дальше. номера заменителей вам дали. но проблема не в блоке. проблема в коробке или проводке, контакт блокировки пуска двигателя. инфы мало, хотя неудивительно
  5. Привет всем! В bcm нет ключей, питание блока показывает 23.4 -23.5 в. Дамп в бцм вообще не внятный. Машина стоит на станции по обклейке авто винилом. Говорят что привезли машину, сняли клеему, после оклейки (2е суток) перестала заводиться. В bcm кто-то уже лазил, память паянная. Хотел бы узнать как так? Искать новый бцм и организовывать SPS или справлюсь чужим дампом? внутри 24с16.
  6. вида не решает. авто клиентский, я наткнулся на забор и остатся только спрашивать кто сталкивался. ну и собственно не за бесплатно!!! вот слепил посмотрите.. ключики положил 2 штуки. думаю что уж если блок cem будет в ошибках, то по несуществующим блокам, и по крайней мере большинство из тех блоков что есть в машине работать будут! 93c86 слеплено из донора и родного.rar
  7. завести это одно, а сделать по правильному это другое! я вот и удмаю что делать, соеденять с донорским дампом? завтра абрикосом попробую вычитать всю инфу из машины, щас подыскиваю микру с86ю чтобы залить туда инфу что осталось да положить ключи. буду пробовать, эту читал икспрогом и тритоном, везде одно и тоже!!!
  8. Притащили машинку, ошибки в моторнике по цему, в цеме ошибка о недостоверном ключе. В лайвдате ключей 0, инфы нет. снял cem прочитал. дамп прикладываю. ключи положить не проблема, синхру наладить тоже, только вот что делать с дампом?!? спецы взгляните, я пока в тупике!!! XC90 CEM 93LC86.rar
  9. поставили оригинал новый заказанный через диллера, распаковывал сам лично, по параметрам порядок. бублик, обороты Stall-Test приблизительно на 100 ~ 200 единиц в минуту ниже нормы, это может свидетельствовать о нехватке мощности двигателя если на много ниже то или тупит реактор в ГТ ( там есть обгонка ) от чего тормозит насосное колесо и снижаются обороты двигателя, или другое механическое неисправность в ГТ котороя тормозит гидродинамическое вращения ротора.. если ГТ который стоит не расчитован для токого крутящего момента который передает ему v 12, он будет воспринимать как раз это как много давления. если на D или на R долго постоять (минут 5) начинает пахнуть горячим маслом акпп, почему? потому что вентиляция работает более активно, что оптяь же показывает либо на не исправный ГТ (хотя его чинили и чинили грамотные люди), либо ГТ не тот.
  10. VoFFchik, отдельное спасбо за проявленный интерес к моей теме, но дело в том, что расходомер давно уже исключен из всевозможных вариантов, как и многое остальное. если вы 722.6 разбираете и собираете с завязанными глазами, то мы можем продолжить разговор, если нет, то думаю вы мне не поможете. в любом случае повторюсь, спасибо за проявленный интерес, и конечно же можете дальше следить за темой, так как она действительно для многих познавательна. долго изучав схемы, отслеживал работу силовых потоков в гидравлических линиях, пришел к выводу что, то что происходит у меня относится к циклу положение рычага переключения D 1-2 передачи после перевоза из положения N. задействуется золотник 27 и давит на поршень B2. так как гидроплата 100% рабочая, соответственно там проблемы быть не может, поршень тоже цел. склоняюсь всетаки к тому что бублик от машины с более меньшим объемом двигателя, кстати столслип-тест показал разницу в оборотах 550об.мин хх, до 830обм.мин педаль в пол
  11. судя по всему дело гдето между ГДТ и гидроплатой. сами гдт и гидроплату подкидывали другие, не помогло... возможно что нибудь из муфт золотников
  12. нашел инфу, добавлю сюда чтобы не потерять Handy ML Transmission Notes - Part A I was talking to a friend some time ago, and he had some OBDII/CAN scanner documentation that included some MB ML transmission information. I thought it would be handy for ML owners to know this information. Unluckily, I was only able to obtain parts of the information without tables and images. I like the "Teaching the ETC new Adaptation Values" section since it explains what to do to make your transmission adapt and learn correctly it's working paramters. One thing that I would like to find out is what kind of transmission adaptations does Mercedes dealers perform to the ML’s after a transmission repair and before giving the vehicle back to the owner. I heard so many stories of people that drove out, from the dealer, after some transmission controller or transmission repair and their ML drove terribly out of the shop and were told that they needed new transmissions. Another interesting thing that is pointed out below is that using the adaptation values one can monitor the state of the transmission, which will be of great value to know if the vehicle's transmission is in the final stages of life and soon to fail or there is some evolving problem, etc? The information was from a manual for the following Snap-ondiagnostic tools: • MT2500 Scanner™ scan tool • MTG2500 Color Graphing Scanner™ scan tool • MODIS™ unit with the Scanner™ Plug-in • SOLUS™ scan tool The excerpts, from the manual, are appended below: 4.2.1 Scanner Communication With the ETC On M-Class vehicles, the Scanner communicates with the electronic transmission controller (ETC) through the same diagnostic connector used for engine testing via the DL-16 adapter with the S-17 Personality Key. The 722.6 fully-electronic 5-speed came out in 1996 and is used exclusively in all models. For 2002-03, an enhanced 722.6 with Touch Shift came out called the EGS5.2 series transmission. This transmission has an expanded data list displaying more TCC and shift control parameters. Note the following when testing transmission systems: The Automatic 722.6 transmission is an electronically-controlled 5-speed transmission with a lock-up clutch in the torque converter. The ratios for the gear stages are achieved by three planetary gear sets. The 5th gear is designed with a step-up ratio as an overdrive. All shifting is electronically-controlled. The electro-hydraulic control unit is bolted to the bottom of the transmission housing. The electronic transmission control module (TCM) is linked via CAN Bus to the ECU as well as other drivetrain systems such as ABS, ASR, etc. The TCM controls the solenoid valves for modulating the shift pressures and gear changes. The basic shift program includes up and downshift points for all five gears. The control module adapts the shift program according to driving style, accelerator pedal position, and vehicle speed variations. The 722.6 has two settings: •Standard (S) •Winter (W) The W setting starts from rest in 2nd gear and shifts at lower RPM than the S setting, which improves driver control on slippery roads. Other features include: •limp-home mode •automatic cruise control •downshifting going downhill •wear tolerance compensation (adaptation) The torque converter is small, helping to reduce power loss through slippage. The Torque Converter Clutch (TCC), locks up to the engine in varying degrees (pulse width modulated) in 3rd, 4th and 5th gears to minimize abrupt changes. 722.6 EGS52 Touch Shift Transmission The 722.6 EGS52 Touch Shift transmission can be identified by the selector lever shift gate having 4 positions: P, R, N, and D. Shift ranges 4, 3, 2, and 1 are replaced with the selector lever having transverse touch function: + Touchupshift by one gear - Touchdownshift by one gear Note the following with the 722.6 EGS52 Touch Shift transmission: All late model 722.6 transmissions with Touch Shift have an Electronic Shift Control Module (ESM). This module may have separate trouble codes from the transmission control module, some may turn the Check Engine Light on. The ESM is coded to the vehicle and cannot be installed in another vehicle. It is also not possible to temporarily install a test unit for diagnosis. 4.2.3 Actuator Tests Actuator tests command the electronic transmission controller (ETC) to activate components and systems, such as solenoid valves and shift programs. The Scanner displays only those tests available to the identified transmissions 722.5 or 722.6. These tests can include: •MODULATOR PRESSURE REGULATING SOL. VALVE •SHIFT PRESSURE REGULATING SOL. VALVE •PWM TORQ. CONV. LOCK-UP CLUTCH SOL. VALVE •SHIFT VALVES •R/P LOCKOUT •TORQUE CONVERTER LOCK-UP •SHIFT PROGRAM •RESET TRANSMISSION OIL MONITOR •RESET ADAPTATION DATA NOTE: Before selecting any actuator test, turn the ignition key to ON. Reset Adaptation Data The RESET ADAPTATION DATA selection is used to diagnose and service the EGS 722.6 transmission. NOTE: The actual adaptation reset option does not appear until N is pressed from any of the adaptation screens. The Resetting adaptation data explanation in this book has three parts: •Part 1: Interpreting the electronic transmission controller (ETC) adaptation values. •Part 2: Resetting the transmission adaptation values. •Part 3: Teaching the transmission (ETC) new adaptation values. Part 1: Interpreting the ETC Adaptation Values Transmission adaptation is the automatic adaptation of data in the transmission control module to optimize shifting comfort. The following functions are automatically performed to compensate for wear tolerances (shift member clearances): •Shift (response) time •Filling (charge) time •Filling (charging) pressure •Torque converter lock-up clutch control The ETC constantly monitors shift performance. To achieve the best possible shift quality, the ETC modifies the fill pressure used to engage the shift member. Adaptation values collectively refers to the following: •The amount of correction the ETC applies at various engine loads. •Transmission output shaft speeds. By examining the current adaptation values, you can evaluate the mechanical condition of the transmission. The transmission adaptation reset should be performed after the following conditions: •Replacement of complete automatic transmission. •Installation of replacement transmission electronic control module (ETC). •A customer complains of poor shift quality (teaching the transmission new values to optimize the shifts). NOTE: Before resetting, be sure to first record adaptation values, as current software does not print adaptation data. We recommend storing the adaptation values as an individual screen and saving to a PC with Snap-Link, and then printing). Note the following when interpreting adaptation limit values: •If the Filling Time and shift switching time are at the adaptation limit, it usually indicates an internal transmission hydraulic problem and also affects other gearshift adaptation values •If the Filling Pressure adaptation value is in the high positive range, it usually indicates internal transmission damage and may result in severe impairment of shift quality. •If the Filling Pressure adaptation values are in the negative range, it usually does not indicate a problem and does not affect shift quality. •Combinations of adaptation values may provide indications of internal transmission damage. Look for the following: · Clutch filling time more than 10 cycles. · Shift time for the power shift (high load/high engine speed) is near adaptation maximum limit. · Shift time for high load/high speed and low load/high speed is near adaptation maximum limit (approximately 75%). · Shift time for the power downshift, high load/high engine speed is in the upper range of positive values. The Reset Adaptation Data test displays twenty-four transmission data parameters useful in diagnosing the 722.6 transmission. The ETC calculates adaptive torque values based on other inputs, and stores them in memory. As indicated in Table 4-5, the ETC stored each value during one of four engine load and speed conditions. The value range varies according to the number of engine cylinders: Changes from lower to higher values indicate that the ETC is decreasing fill pressure to lengthen the apply. Changes from higher to lower values indicate that the ETC is increasing fill pressure to shorten the apply. When the values reach their limits, shift quality decreases, as the ETC is no longer able to compensate for a loose or tight clutch pack. Since the ETC stores four different values according to engine speed and load conditions, you should be able to easily reproduce the problem during a road test. Deceleration from a Lower to a Higher Gear This group includes the following parameters: •DECEL.1-2(Nm) •DECEL. 2-3(Nm) •DECEL. 3-4(Nm) •DECEL. 4-5(Nm) The ETC calculates these adaptive torque values based on other inputs, and stores them in memory. As indicated in Table 4-6, the ETC stored each value during one of two engine load and speed conditions. Fill Pressure for Specific Upshifts This group includes the following parameters: The ETC calculates these adaptive values based on the current draw from the solenoid shift and modulated shift pressure valves. This pressure compensates for the tolerances within the values, and for pressure lost through sources such as worn clutch packs, leaking sealing rings, low fluid, and worn bushings. •FILL PRESSURE 1-2(mbar)_XXXX (range: 0 to 1600 mbar) •FILL PRESSURE 2-3(mbar)_XXX (range: 0 to 800 mbar) Higher values indicate that the ETC is increasing fill pressure to create a harder shift. Lower values indicate that the ETC is decreasing fill pressure to create a softer shift. A value of about 0 mbar means that either the ETC has not stored an adaptive value, or that the shift member does not require correction. A value at the upper limit of the parameter, along with poor shift quality, indicates the need for repair, or insufficient ATF level. Fill Time for Specific Clutch and Brake Pack Shift Members This group includes the following parameters: •FILL TIME K1 IN 2ND GEAR CYCLE_XX (range: 0 to 15 cycles) •FILL TIME K2 CYCLE_XX FILL TIME K3 CYCLE_XX •FILL TIME B1 CYCLE_XX FILL TIME B2 CYCLE_XX •FILL TIME K1 IN 4TH GEAR CYCLE_XX These data parameters display adaptations to the length of time it takes to fill the clutch (K) and brake (B) shift members with ATF to remove the clearances just before application. These adaptations compensate for the condition of the clutches, the number of steel plates, and the clearance between the steel plates. The ETC sends an amplitude-modulated current to the fill solenoids. The greater the signal amplitude, or difference between the crests and troughs of the signal, the greater the pressure. The ETC can only change signal amplitude once per 20 milliseconds (ms), which prevents overcorrection. Each cycle displayed by these data parameters equals one 20-ms period. If the Scanner reports a fill time adaptation of 3 cycles, this means that it took three periods of 20 ms each (60 ms) to alter pressure enough to accomplish the correct application of the shift member. The maximum fill correction time is 15 cycles, or 300 ms. A value of 0 cycles indicates no fill correction was needed. Part 2: Resetting the ETC Adaptation Values NOTE: Before resetting the adaptation values, set aside one hour afterwards to teach the ETC new adaptation values. This drive cycle requires a driver and a passenger. Before resetting the adaptation values, the following engine and transmission operating conditions must be met: •The engine must be running. •The transmission oil temperature (ATF) as displayed by the data parameter TRANSMISS. •OIL TEMP. R/3/4/3/2/1 must be higher than 140 F (60C). •The gear selector must be in D or R. To reset adaptation values: •From the ACTUATOR TESTS menu, select RESET ADAPTATION DATA and press Y. The Scanner displays the first acceleration data parameter (Figure 4-9). Figure 4-14 Sample Reset Adaptation Data screen •Press N. The following screen displays (Figure 4-15). Figure 4-15 Reset Adaptation Data Confirmation screen •Press Y and the Scanner resets all of the transmission adaptive data parameters to zero, except for one value included with the following data parameters: ACCEL.2-1(Nm) ACCEL.3-2(Nm) ACCEL.4-3(Nm) ACCEL.5-4(Nm) For these data parameters, the Scanner displays a -30 Nm as the value for high load at low engine speed. The following screen displaying the ACCEL. 2-1(Nm) parameter provides an example (Figure 4-16). Part 3: Teaching the ETC New Adaptation Values Teaching the ETC new adaptation values requires the driver to operate the vehicle repeatedly through various loads, speeds, and shifts while maintaining several data parameter values within a specified range. The following tables provide adaptation torque requirements for various engines. There are two methods for teaching the ETC new adaptation values: Method 1: driving to achieve results according to the factory charts Method 2: using the prescribed roadtest (experience-based) To teach the ETC new adaptation values with Method 1: 1. Warm up the vehicle until the automatic transmission fluid has reached a temperature from 140F (60C). 2. Throughout the drive cycle, monitor the TRANSMISS. OIL TEMP parameter value, and maintain the ATF within this range. Temperatures that range from 176-194F (80-90C) are optimal. NOTE: Observe transmission oil temperature with the engine idling and the transmission engaged in either Drive or Reverse. 3. Identify the vehicle engine number for chart identification (see Table 4-2 on page 51). 4. Connect the Scanner. 5. From the DATA selection on the transmission MAIN MENU, select the FAST data display mode. 6. View the following data parameters: TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE ACCELERATOR PEDAL or PEDAL VALUE (%) ENGINE SPEED(1/min) ENGINE TORQUE(Nm) Always use two people, one to drive and one to monitor the data. 7. Turn the A/C off, and drive the vehicle on a level road with light throttle. Monitor the ACCELERATOR PEDAL(%) values to maintain these conditions. The road should be as level and as without traffic as possible. Avoid uphill or downhill grades (downhill grades of 7% or less are OK). 8. Maintain the engine speeds specified for the appropriate engine in the tables starting on page 66. Constantly monitor the ENGINE SPEED(1/min) data parameter value. Adjust speed accordingly. NOTE: i It is important not to exceed the specified RPM during the adapting procedure as this may stop the adaptation process. 9. While maintaining the values of the previous parameters within range, drive the vehicle so that the value the Scanner displays for ENGINE TORQUE(Nm) matches the appropriate value in the table for your engine and gear shift. 10. After achieving the proper torque value, shift the transmission using the shift lever to and from the prescribed gears in the tables starting on page 66. Repeat this procedure for every set of listed gears. Be sure to allow the shift members time to fully apply and release and note the following:•The vehicle must be driven with very light throttle loads. •Do not exceed 10-75% accelerator pedal position. •Ideal RPM during the shift moment is about 1200-1600 RPM. •Do not exceed 1800 RPM during the shift process. •You cannot perform an adaptation with heavy throttle loads or high engine torque. For both acceleration and deceleration, repeat this step eight times on M119 and M120 engines, and four times on M104, M111, and OM606 engines. 11. Allow the engine to run ten minutes after completing all of the gear shifts to allow time for ETC memory transfer, assuring that the ETC stores the new adaptation values. To teach the ETC new adaptation values with Method 2: 1. Reset adaptation values using the Scanner (Part 2: Resetting the ETC Adaptation cd Values on page 65). 2. Make sure transmission oil temperature reads at least 176F (80C). 3. Turn off all engine accessories to minimize engine load. 4. Perform a test drive with the gear selector in Drive. If possible, use back streets, let the transmission shift from 1st to 2nd gear and then from 2nd to 3rd gear at very light throttle. Repeat at least 7 or 8 times. 5. Proceed to a faster moving street for a speed of approximately 45 mph. Allow the transmission to shift from 3rd to 4th gear and then from 4th to 5th gear. Repeat 4 or 5 times. 6. Allow the transmission to cycle through all the downshifts, 5th to 4th, 4th to 3rd, 3rd to 2nd, and 2nd to 1st while decelerating down to a stop 4 or 5 times. 7. Using caution and discretion, drive more aggressively performing higher engine load upshifts and higher speed downshifts. If possible, try to obtain a couple of 4-2 and 3-1 downshifts when accelerating out of a turn. 8. Allow the engine to idle ten minutes after completing the road test to allow time for ETC memory transfer, assuring that the ETC stores the new adaptation values. Can I leave the shift lever in drive or should the upshifting always be done manually? Upshifting using the shift selector lever is an effective method because of the very light required engine torque. However, some technicians prefer keeping the selector lever in Drive and driving with very light throttle in between shifts, allowing the transmission to shift to help achieve the correct engine RPM/torque for each gear. It is extremely important to keep the throttle at the minimum level but still maintain acceleration (at the low engine torque level, see the tables starting on page 66). The right decision on which method is best is left to personal preference. Technicians in high traffic urban areas have found that leaving the shift lever in Drive may be easier. NOTE: i Do not use (or move) the selector lever for any deceleration or downshift learning. What is the correct manual shift learning procedure? 1. Driving slowly, place the shift selector in position 1. 2. Lightly accelerate the vehicle, and then gently reduce the throttle position to bring engine/torque to a permissible value. NOTE: The Scanner display is not instantaneous. Allow torque value to stabilize. 3. When engine torque is within the correct range, move the shift selector to position 2. 4. Reduce speed and bring the shift selector back to position 1. You must repeatedly perform this low speed up-and-down shifting technique. Repeat these steps up to ten times if necessary. 5. Repeat the same steps with the shift selector in position 2, upshifting to position 3 up to ten times if necessary. 6. Continue with this same procedure for the 3-4 upshift and the 4-5 upshift accordingly. Note the following when performing the adaptation procedure: Be aware that each shift and each shift member has specific control module adaptation requirements (except Reverse). Adaptation values are established during shifting with extremely light loads. If the adaptation is successful, then the transmission should be adapted optimally for all the other driving conditions. Eight to ten shifts per shift member may be required to effectively improve the adaptation values. Some may require more, but suspect a possible transmission problem if the new adaptation values are not improving the shift quality after a significant number of learned shifts (1520). The engine must continue to run for ten minutes after the adaptation procedure to allow the control module to record and store new adaptation values into memory (the vehicle can either be driven or at idle). If the engine is turned off prior to the required ten minute time interval, all new adaptation values will be lost and the control module will default to previous values. Does the adaptation procedure change depending on whether it is performed on a new or repaired transmission versus re-adapting for a shift complaint? The adaptation procedure for new or repaired transmissions may be shorter than if readapting to correct for shift quality complaints. For new or repaired transmissions it may be necessary to only perform the following: ACCELERATION UPSHIFTS 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 For shift quality complaints, perform all of the following: ACCELERATION UPSHIFTS 1 to 2 and 2 to 3 ACCELERATION UPSHIFTS 1 to 2, 2 to 3, to 4, 4 to 5 DECELERATION DOWNSHIFTS (coasting) 5 to 4, 4 to 3
  13. извеняюсь что подключаюсь к теме, не создаю конкуренцию т.к. тут дизель а не бензин! webasto thermo top бензиновая, б/у 2 года использовал на своей 21124 15т.р. в личку
  14. лечится, специалистом, а не диагуном. о как я люблю это говорить про мерседесы)))
  15. подниму тему, коробку перебрали полностью в мастер акпп, работает отлично, только нагрузка на двигатель всеравно есть! на холодную, если только завел и на улице -15 -20, проблему исчезает. как только нагревается проблема появляется. симптомы теже, педаль тормоза с повышенным усилием, D, резко отпускаешь педаль тормоза и машина сама набирает 12-15 км/ч, и так и едет далее. сейчас обнаружен подсос в впускном коллекторе, после заслонки, прокладка уже в пути. ИТОГ поиска неисправности. поменяли ГДТ, перебрали коробку, проверили эбу коробки ставили такой же с рабочей машины. в коробке все новое!!! вот и думаю, неужто подсос, по остальной лайвдате все везде в порядке, кроме завышенных значений по амперажу в клапане BAS Тормозной системы. ищу специалиста по 722.6 коробкам для конструктивного разговора!
  16. а теперь по порядку 1 Не имею свойства себе льстить. 2 Мое мнение хочу высказываю хочу нет, тебя забыли спросить. 3 лично обращаются в личку, а тут для широких масс. въезжай в жизнь и учи правила этикета. неандерталец! 4 все по факту, ничего лишнего. (дальше много) самая простая машина с трансами что я встречал, все яснопонятно на уровне взгляни в дамп зачиши в чип. если голова не работает, работают руки, но вот если руки из жопы и в голове ничего (в виду воспитания) отсюда вытекает твоИ предыдущие сообщения. дайте, скажите, а я заработаю. 5 сидел и читал, интересовался и вникал. все не знаю, но в уме больше чем у тебя лежит знаний. НО НЕ ТАК С КАКИМ ПОДХОДОМ ТЫ ЭТО ДЕЛАЕШЬ. 6 найди, где? хотя ты разницу между серьезным вопросом и пустяком не увидишь. отказался от машины - красавчик, так тебе, приятно предугадать что клиент подумал! Прежде чем задаваться вопросом почему я на ТЫ, задай себе вопрос а надо ли тебе это знать? если хочешь могу твой психологический портрет нарисовать. тогда в личку. хотя смысла дальнейшего 0 так как я уверен все это твое на уровне подсознания, а не в сознании и уже не поправить.
  17. народ ну в самом деле, уж такая машина если вызывает вопросы то явно понятно что человек не в теме и просит чтобы за него все туда запихнули. пусть человек работает дальше диагностом раз подход такой, или работы и так нет что надеемся на то что вальнет и потом самим достанется? неужто так плохо все7 куда катимся? Andry53 профиль заполни бомжара
  18. про какие схемы вы имееете в виду?
  19. ищи блок над правой коленкой, разбирай и ко мне в личку
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