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Hello guys, Did someone already fixed a problem like mine? It's the following: The Dashboard lights and Radio Screen flickering non stop, even when the ignition key is not in the switch. The Actual Values of Instrument Panel for Terminal 15 (ignition ON) is moving from YES to NO non stop. There're few error codes on other modules which are almost identical like "No communication with instrument panel". I'm going to attach a Video. Thanks in advance for any tips and tricks! 6d01e06bbf2e6917a2f7786d6f06b8c07074560fa72257547937dfdf49a3faac.part1.rar 6d01e06bbf2e6917a2f7786d6f06b8c07074560fa72257547937dfdf49a3faac.part2.rar 6d01e06bbf2e6917a2f7786d6f06b8c07074560fa72257547937dfdf49a3faac.part3.rar
Оххххх, без комментариев. Я отправил программу только, чтобы помочь некоторым из вас. Большое спасибо за ваши хорошие комментарии. Разве плохо писать только один "спасибо"? Иметь хороший день!
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CarProg Clone UNLOCK + RESET counter via USB!
julianstefanov опубликовал тема в Кто Бухает тот Отдыхает
Hello there again, You can unbrick/unlock your locked CarProg Clone and reset counter via USB from now on! 1. Download 2. Extract 3. Disable Internet connections (LAN, WiFi etc.) 4. Connect CarProg to your computer and run unlockOK.exe 5. Go to UPDATE -> INTERNET 6. WAIT 7. Done! All for free ofc nJoy Counter & Unlock.part1.rar Counter & Unlock.part2.rar -
Hallo guys, Here is the CarTool 2.4f including KeyGen. Hope someone will love it :) nJoy cartool.part01.rar cartool.part02.rar cartool.part03.rar cartool.part04.rar cartool.part05.rar cartool.part06.rar cartool.part07.rar cartool.part08.rar cartool.part09.rar cartool.part10.rar cartool.part11.rar cartool.part12.rar cartool.part13.rar cartool.part14.rar cartool.part15.rar
Hello guys, I got crashdata in Lancia Ypsilon 2011 year. The module numbers are: BOSCH 0 285 010 656 - 51833230 EEPROM inside: 95320 I have read the eeprom and tried to clear the crash (manualy). Can someone please check if I cleared good? lancia ypsilon test.rar Many thanks in advance! ----------------------------------------------------- EDIT: Hello again guys, I just found a clean dump (it was read from the same car same module numbers) The car was never crashed! Here it is if someone need it for later! 95320 0285010656 51833230 never crash.rar Topic can be closed now :)
Hello, Looking for a solution to disable EGR on Peugeot 307 2.0 HDI - SID801 ECU. Can someone help me please. Cannot find any info about that ECU still and ECUsafe not working with it 307 29f400 flash 2.0HDI 90hp 66kw.rar
Test this one. It should work. toyota_celica_L56R_89170-20150-CRASH_CLEAN.rar
Just to tell that today I was fighting with a new Zafira 2007 with protected 35080V6. I'm happy that I got R270, because it's working once again without any problems. Omega wasn't able to erase inc/modify or write that 35080, so I changed the km with omega and used R270 to erase -> write the dump. It takes some times like 5 minutes, but was successfull.
I'm using this one: http://www.aliexpress.com/item/R270-V1-20-Auto-CAS4-BDM-Programmer-R270-Programmer-Free-Shipping/719309770.html and it's working great. You can use it for more things than erasing 35080.
You have the dump with crash?
You can make a try with the newest version from here: http://rutracker.org...c.php?t=4354435 I already installed that v127 and it's working like a charm. The problems was: - FULL uninstall any previous verions of CLIP - Delete all the folders for CLIP in C:\ (they are 3 folders) - Restart the computer - Run the registry file (it's included in the torrent) - Install Clip - It will restart the computer once, then it will start the setup process again and it will finish soon. - Then you must do this 1 Переименовываем RSRWin.exe (C:\CLIP_X91\Lib\Application) в RSRWin_orig.exe 2 Копируем RSRWin.exe из Renault CLiP NEW Patch! в C:\CLIP_X91\Lib\Application\ 3 Start RSRWin.exe 4 Нажимаем внизу регистрацию и вводим 333DEF-111DEF-111DEF-222DEF-221DEF-000DEF 5 Когда напишет, что регистрация до 2020 года нажимаем OK и возвращаем назад оригинальный файл RSRWin_orig.exe->RSRWin.exe 6 Только теперь запускаем Clip That's works for me after few tests. Also I was having a problem with the installation, because I'm using Windows XP TABLET PC Edition and the setup cannot detect my OS. All you have to do if you have OS detectable problems is to open the setup.ini file with your favorite text editor and find the line where is writen something like OS = 2,4,5,6 Then you can change that line like the following OS = 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 That will ignore the OS checking of your system and setup will continue. PS: If you have any other error, please write here and I can make a try to help you out. Also if you dont have a folder named Outils in your C Drive (ex: C:\Outils) you must create it and extract these files inside: http://dfiles.ru/files/dndwryyl4 It must looking like this: C:\Outils\VNC\*
I burned the cpu and the voltage regulator (+3v) on the airbag module. The module is from BMW E46 2000 year. Bosch 0 285 001 368 CPU: Mask 9H91F - MC68HC912B32 Maybe someone have full EEPROM dump and FLASH and can share it please? Thanks in advance!
I would like to test few things on my fiesta '98. The ECU is EEC type with J3 connector. I found that info: http://static.moates.net/quarterhorse/qh_intro_meyer.doc But I think that module from Moates (QuarterHorse) is expensive. I would like to ask, is there any other way to read/modify that kind of ECUs cheaper? Thanks in advance Julian
Я установил все это. Можно заблокировать тему.
Hello, Is there someone who have DLL for HDI Siemens: OLS253 - Siemens HDI (Version 2.04) ? I'm trying to find the correct maps for SID801 Peugeot 307 HDI. I would like to change N75 maps and to disable EGR. I can pay for the dll or DAMOS for SID801 or trade for damos I have. Thanks in advance PS: Attaching the orig dump of the Peugeot 307 hdi Sid801 307 29f400 flash 2.0HDI 90hp 66kw orig.rar
Hello, Is there someone who can help me please. I need dump for two SAM modules (front and rear) for Mercedes W211 2003y (E-Classe E220CDI). Front SAM is with MC68HC912DG (like this one. I think they're the same as w211 E-Classe http://cardamp.ru/view_full_one.php?langs_us=ru&selectserach=10&id_damp_list=13297) Rear SAM is with: MC68HC908AZ60 (like this one http://cardamp.ru/view_full_one.php?langs_us=ru&selectserach=1&id_damp_list=3974) Thanks in advance!
Someone probably will need that. Airbag Repair 2011 - Ver 2.0 Airbag Repair 2011.part01.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part02.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part03.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part04.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part05.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part06.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part07.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part08.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part09.rar Airbag Repair 2011.part10.rar You can use that file to switch to English. Just copy astype.lds in installed directory (ex: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Airbag Universal Repair 2011 v2.0 Italian by BP\") English Addon.zip
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Today I tried alot of things and finaly I think the problem is comming from the CPU. I desolder the cpu from the dash and solder it to adapter. Tried with 3 different quarz generators. Tried with external voltage (not from ETL). All was fail. I can read the eeprom area normaly. When I try to erase, it gives me error connection at 50%. After fail erase the eeprom area is almost erased, but there're few addresses where data still exist and cannot be erased. And also that data (unerasable) is only on 1st row (line) where the KM info must be stored. When I try to write some data, it fails at 85-86%. All is writen fine except the 1st line and few addresses on the 2nd line. So finaly I heard from a guy, that these NEC cpus got a problem when more than 300,000+ modifications are made on the same address, that address stop working or just fail. So basicaly that can be true, because I have a problem only on the 1st line where the KM values are stored. They was modified by the car alot of times (probably more than 300,000) and now they're broken. Sounds crazy and unbelivable, but... Thanks for the tips OalikO! Tomorrow I'm going to get a new dash for the guy with the Alfa.