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Весь контент giriprakash

  1. Hi friends......I have to adjust odometer, which is base on Renesas CPU UPD70F3523. I tried to find PDFs file of this CPU, I can't so anyone who have link or data sheet of this CPU please send me!!!!
  2. Hi I undrestand...I tried to read this device with help of UPA USB programmer but I can't.......its is look like pin configuration 93c46 but pin 6 and 7 is different recall and store....with these 2 pin where have to connect?
  3. I know pin configuration and pdf of that chip but how to read data and which programmer support this device?
  4. giriprakash


    Здравствует друзья .....how to programme S-24S45 and which programmer support this device read and write?........
  5. i tried to adjest odometer,,,,, loss chip 93c86, so i need data of Suzuki celerion 2014/10/10 edition please
  6. giriprakash

    Suzuki celerion 93c86

    Hi friends ..... please, who have data of Suzuki celerion 93c86 send me !!
  7. Hi friends.......how to adjest odometer of Landrovar freelanderTD4 using 912D60A.......UPA USB programmer can't read this cpu? If anyone face this problem please help me
  8. не удалось открыть как архи.......please how to open that file......
  9. hi,,,,, wil you please send us new data about 100 km differents!!
  10. This is no new techosoft please don't do like that...........this ia fake post!!!!!!!
  11. If you want adjest km please send me this information 1 the chip which use in 2 if you can send file of eeprom We will try to.........
  12. i have some information about AVR Atmega 169p, hope this information help those who help me!! Atmega 169p have 64 pin out to program we need 11 pin- SCK; 12 pin-MOSI; 13 pin-MISO; 20 pin -riset; 21 pin- Vcc; 22 pin- Vss i tried to program this device with pony pro but this odometer is dead!!
  13. Hi.......please no one knows how to adjest milage using AVR Atmega 169p....
  14. giriprakash

    Atmega 169p

    i have to adjest milage of car China brand Gelly using Atmega 169p....please help me!!!!
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