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Весь контент cunakis

  1. If somebody will adapt it remote with geko account using my vaspc and teamviewer ! Do not asking this to be done for free.
  2. here are my old and new ecu dumps Pcr 2.1 new ecu.rar pcr 2.1 old ecu.rar
  3. Have dump from old ecu eeprom and flash, have dump from new (used ecu) eeprom and flash. For working with car have vaspc with odis installed. Can read and write eeprom on desk with xprog or willem or upa Have ktag, kessv2 for writing and reading Thank you for interest to help Yes is pcr2.1 Thank you
  4. Проходите с мертвым экю, найдите замену экю и нуждайтесь в помощи, чтобы приспособить ее к автомобилю. Любая помощь от участников форума приветствуется! спасибо
  5. Have passat with dead ecu, found replacement ecu and need help to adapt it to car. Any help from forum members is welcome ! Thank sou
  6. Hello friends !! I have datasmart 3 pc vresion, think is from year 2007 or 2008 board version v2.01 . Was working ok with software "my2007" Now not working anymore, when i try to use it i get message "software is not matched with hardware" Think in somme way firmware of device is damadged. Can maybe somme of you here give to me firmware for this device so i can try to reflash it ?? Software is matched with hardware with somme number so i will need a matched software with this firmware ! Think device is from "autofocus technology" china clone. Any help will be great !! Thank you !!
  7. Hello !! just to say about my kessv2 and ktag china clone ,,,,,, after reflashing devices with jlink both devices now working, bu there is still ecu thet is greyed out ! by your expirience what you think about this ? is there a way to add this missing protocols or there is a hardvare problems for this ecu ?? thank you !!
  8. Hello friends !! My china clone ktag do not working from first day i buy it. Ok button is always greyed so no mather wich ecu i select i cannot press ok because is grayed and not working :(( Maybe some off you have the same problem like me ? One more great device from china :( Maybe somme advice from here ?? Here are some pics of version and how i cannot select ok button . Maybe some of you can help me !! thank you !
  9. Is there maybe a way to change software serial number ??? Maybe some sort of pach ??
  10. Thank you Sergej-ko Thank you again for your time, but i think this is the same i already have on my diagun :)
  11. Can someone please share with me to upgrade to Launch X431 Diagun 980540207900 ?? Thank you for sharing with me!
  12. Hallo again, sorry for not being perfect Russian spelling! I use the online service for translation. Can someone please share with me to upgrade to run X431 Diagun 980540207900 ?? Thank you for sharing with me!
  13. Я вижу здесь есть много проблем с этими Diagun устройств :)
  14. Hallo снова, жаль не быть совершенным русской орфографии! Я использую сервис онлайн перевод. Может кто-нибудь, пожалуйста, поделитесь со мной обновить для запуска X431 Diagun ?? Спасибо, что поделились со мной!
  15. Пожалуйста, помогите мне с обновления x431 980540207900 спасибо
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