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  • День рождения 04.04.1990

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  1. The Porsche Piwis 4 Diagnostic Tool represents a significant upgrade from its predecessor, the Piwis 3, offering enhanced capabilities to support the latest 2024 vehicle models and new electric vehicle designs. This advanced diagnostic tool is equipped with the PT3G-E-VCIV2 hardware, ensuring robust performance and reliability for automotive professionals. The software version V42.800.030 is designed to provide comprehensive diagnostics, allowing technicians to access critical information and perform detailed analysis on a wide range of Porsche vehicles. One of the standout features of the Piwis 4 is its connectivity options, which include both wireless and LAN cable support, providing flexibility in various workshop environments. The system operates on a Windows 10 64-bit platform, ensuring compatibility with modern technology and facilitating seamless user experiences. With the Piwis 4, technicians can efficiently diagnose and troubleshoot issues in all supported Porsche models, including the newest arrivals for 2024, as well as the latest electric vehicle models, making it an essential tool for any Porsche service center.
  2. Hello all. I have a new Cummins INLINE 7 that I purchased and a 2017 NED. I loaded everything up and connected to the truck. It did not auto-detect the engine, I had to select it from the list. It looks like its showing the "Signal values" with actual voltages and such, but none of the other screens display anything. No DTC codes, nothing. I also noticed the NED user guide does NOT list the Inline 7 as a compatible link. It does list the Nexiq though. Can anyone confirm that the Inline 7 does indeed work with International + Maxxforce engine, or do I need to try a Nexiq? Thanks..
  3. Адаптер канала передачи данных Cummins INLINE 7 с программным обеспечением Cummins Insite 8,5/8,7 плюс ноутбук Lenovo X220 Многие клиенты сталкиваются с проблемой настройки при использовании диагностики Cummins INLINE 7, поэтому мы рекомендуем эту пакетную продажу для тех клиентов, которые хотят получить один раз в руки, а затем могут использовать его напрямую. Мы установим и активируем для вас готовый к использованию. Более того, это пакетное предложение экономит ваши деньги, чем покупка.
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