Доминси Опубликовано 30 мая, 2023 Поделиться Опубликовано 30 мая, 2023 Hello all. I have a new Cummins INLINE 7 that I purchased and a 2017 NED. I loaded everything up and connected to the truck. It did not auto-detect the engine, I had to select it from the list. It looks like its showing the "Signal values" with actual voltages and such, but none of the other screens display anything. No DTC codes, nothing. I also noticed the NED user guide does NOT list the Inline 7 as a compatible link. It does list the Nexiq though. Can anyone confirm that the Inline 7 does indeed work with International + Maxxforce engine, or do I need to try a Nexiq? Thanks.. Ссылка на комментарий Поделиться на другие сайты Поделиться
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