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VW Golf 5 2004 замена приборной панели 1К0920870


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Имеется Гольф5 TDI 2004 года с приборкой 1К0920870 (не крипт) без МФА (компютера). Уже довольно долгое время ищу панель с компютерам МФА+, но попадаются только исключительно бензиновые версии приборной панели. Вопрос - возможна ли установка бензиновой версии вместо дизельной с заменой подложки тахометра?

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Имеется Гольф5 TDI 2004 года с приборкой 1К0920870 (не крипт) без МФА (компютера). Уже довольно долгое время ищу панель с компютерам МФА+, но попадаются только исключительно бензиновые версии приборной панели. Вопрос - возможна ли установка бензиновой версии вместо дизельной с заменой подложки тахометра?
А там разве нельзя просто перекодировать приборку под дизельный мотор?
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А там разве нельзя просто перекодировать приборку под дизельный мотор?

А там разве нельзя просто перекодировать приборку под дизельный мотор?

Пестенький-ты всегда рад клиентосам помочь!!!!!!!

Потом не ори про демпинг

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Пестенький-ты всегда рад клиентосам помочь!!!!!!!

Потом не ори про демпинг

Клиент сам все равно с кодировками не справится. Это нужно ехать к специалисту.
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А там разве нельзя просто перекодировать приборку под дизельный мотор?

вот это меня и интересует. Там куда звонил пины , логины, пробег всё это они сделают, а вот замена бензинки на дизель..., они такой чепухой никогда не занимались. Это четвёртый форум на котором ищу ответ, может кто ткнёт куда лезть и как кодировать? Ато экспериментами с неизвестным концом заниматься стрёмно, да и деньги на ветер.

Клиент сам все равно с кодировками не справится. Это нужно ехать к специалисту.

всё верно.

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Пестенький-ты всегда рад клиентосам помочь!!!!!!!

Потом не ори про демпинг

Далеко не всегда кодировка поменяет диапазон тахометра с бензина на дизель и обратно.

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Так как? Можно или нет?

Судя по описанию в LBL 1K0-920-xxx-17 менять тахометр негде.




; security access





S00,Instrument Cluster (J285) Security Access

S01,13861 = Adaptation Enabling





; adaptation





A002,0,Service Reminder

A002,5,Service Reminder

A002,6,0 = Service NOT Due

A002,7,1 = Service Due


A002,9,To reset the service reminder save 0 as new value.


A003,0,Consumption Correction

A003,5,Consumption Correction

A003,6,Standard Value: 100 %

A003,7,Display Range: 85...115 %

A003,8,Increments: 1 %


A003,10,Calculation based on volume per distance (e.g. l/100km):

A003,11,New Adaptation Value = Old Adaptation Value * Calculated Consumption / Old Display Value

A003,12,Calculation based on distance per volume (e.g. MPG):

A003,13,New Adaptation Value = Old Adaptation Value * Old Display Value / Calculated Consumption


A4,0,Language for error messages and navigation (MFD only)

A4,5,Language for error messages and navigation

A4,6,1 - German

A4,7,2 - English

A4,8,3 - French

A4,9,4 - Italian

A4,10,5 - Spanish

A4,11,6 - Portuguese

A4,12,7 - No Text

A4,13,8 - Czech




A009,6,Increments: 1 = 10 km or 1 = 10 mi

A009,9,The distance can only be changed once before

A009,10,the current value is not over 100 km/62 mi.

A009,11,After changing the value can be corrected

A009,12,within the next 5 km/3 mi.


A022,0,Production Mode


A30,0,Fuel gauge adaptation


A30,5,Fuel gauge adaptation

A30,6,Basic value: 100

A30,7,Range: 120 - 136

A30,8,Unit: 1 Ohm


A035,0,Speed Threshold

A035,5,Speed Threshold

A035,6,This value represents the speed threshold of the

A035,7,dynamic oil pressure system. The threshold can be

A035,8,raised in increments of 250 RPM.


A038,0,Oil Minimum Detection

A038,5,Oil Minimum Detection

A038,6,With this function the oil-minimum-warning at

A038,7,low oil level can be deactivated or activated.


A039,0,Oil Level Sensor Adaptation

A039,5,Oil Level Sensor Adaptation

A039,6,Determines if the TOG Sensor is installed or not.


A040,0,Mileage since Service

A040,5,Mileage since Service

A040,6,Increments: 1 = 100 km


A040,8,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A040,9,entered and stored in the following order:

A040,10,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A041,0,Time since Service

A041,5,Time since Service

A041,6,Increments: 1 = 1 day(s)


A041,8,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A041,9,entered and stored in the following order:

A041,10,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A42,0,Minimum value mileage

A42,5,Minimum value mileage

A42,6,Resolution: 1 = 100 km


A42,8,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-48 must be

A42,9,entered and stored in the following order:

A42,10,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A43,0,Maximum value mileage

A43,5,Maximum value mileage

A43,6,Resolution: 1 = 100 km


A43,8,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-48 must be

A43,9,entered and stored in the following order:

A43,10,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A044,0,Maximum Time to Service

A044,5,Maximum Time to Service

A044,6,Increments: 1 = 1 day(s)

A044,7,00365 = fixed Service Intervals (w/o Longlife)

A044,8,00730 = flexible Service Intervals (with Longlife)


A044,10,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A044,11,entered and stored in the following order:

A044,12,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A045,0,Oil Quality

A045,5,Oil Quality

A045,6,1 = fixed Service Intervals (w/o Longlife)

A045,7,2 = flexible Service Intervals (with Longlife)


A045,9,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A045,10,entered and stored in the following order:

A045,11,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A046,0,Total Consumption

A046,5,Total Consumption

A046,6,This value does not represent the actual consumption

A046,7,but is rather an arithmetic value for the service interval display


A046,9,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A046,10,entered and stored in the following order:

A046,11,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A047,0,Soot Entry

A047,5,Soot Entry

A047,6,Arithmetic value used to calculate the amount of soot in

A047,7,the engine oil referenced to a distance of 100 km and used

A047,8,as comparison value for the service interval display.


A047,10,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A047,11,entered and stored in the following order:

A047,12,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A048,0,Thermal Load

A048,5,Thermal Load

A048,6,Arithmetic value used to calculate the thermal stress of

A048,7,the engine oil referenced to a distance of 100 km and used

A048,8,as comparison value for the service interval display.


A048,10,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A048,11,entered and stored in the following order:

A048,12,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A049,0,Minimum Time to Service

A049,5,Minimum Time to Service

A049,6,Increments: 1 = 1 day(s)

A049,7,00365 - fixed Service Intervals (w/o Longlife)

A049,8,00365 - Gasoline Engine with flexible Service Intervals (with Longlife)

A049,9,00730 - Diesel Engine with flexible Service Intervals (with Longlife)


A049,11,NOTE: Adaptation channels 40-49 must be

A049,12,entered and stored in the following order:

A049,13,45 > 42 > 43 > 44 > 49 > 40 > 41 > 46 > 47 > 48


A050,0,Basic Distance Value for Oil Change with fixed Service Interval

A050,5,Basic Distance Value for Oil Change with fixed Service Interval

A050,6,Increments: 1 = 100 km/mi


A051,0,Basic Time Value for Oil Change with fixed Service Interval

A051,5,Basic Time Value for Oil Change with fixed Service Interval

A051,6,Increments: 1 = 1 day(s)

A051,7,00372 = fixed Service Intervals (w/o Longlife)





; Coding





C00,Instrument Cluster (J285) Coding

C01,00??x0x: Options

C02,+00 = No Options

C03,+01 = Brake Pad Warning

C04,+02 = Seatbelt Warning

C05,+04 = Washer Fluid Warning

C06,+16 = Sedan (only VW Jetta)

C07,00xx?0x: Country

C08,1 = Europe (EU) / 2 = USA (US)

C09,3 = Canada (CDN) / 4 = Great Britain (GB)

C10,5 = Japan (JP) / 6 = Saudi Arabia (SA)

C11,7 = Australia (AUS)

C12,00xxx0?: Distance Impulse Number

C13,1 = 22188 / 2 = 22076

C14,3 = 21960 / 4 = 21848

C15,5 = 22304 / 6 = 22420

C16,7 = 22532




Для 1K0-920-xxx-25 вообще ничего нет.




; VCDS Label File


; Copyright © 2009 Ross-Tech, LLC


; Component: Immobilizer (#25)


; includes measuring blocks, adaptation and security access


; This file is part of a redirection package,

; make sure you have all of the following files.


; 1K-17.LBL

; 1T-17.LBL

; 1Z-17.LBL

; 2K-17.LBL

; 5P-17.LBL

; 1K-25.LBL

; 1T-25.LBL

; 1Z-25.LBL

; 2K-25.LBL

; 5P-25.LBL

; 8P-25.LBL

; 1K0-920-xxx-17.LBL

; 1K0-920-xxx-25.LBL


; created on 23/Mar/2005 by Sebastian Stange (Sebastian@Ross-Tech.com)


; last modification on 10/Feb/2009


; requires VCDS 805.1 or newer





; Measuring Blocks





001,0,Immobilizer I

001,1,Engine Start,permitted,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

001,2,Engine (ECU),responds,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

001,3,Key Status,OK,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

001,4,Number of,adapted Keys,Specification: 1...8


002,0,Immobilizer II

002,1,Variable Code,authorized,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

002,2,Key Status,(Transponder Lock),Range: Yes/No

002,3,Fixed Code,authorized,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

002,4,Immobilizer,Status,Specification: 6 (Immobilizer adapted)

; 1 = End of Assembly Line: NEW (Delivery Condition of New Instrument Cluster)

; 2 = End of Assembly Line: VIN adapted

; 3 = End of Assembly Line: ECU adapted

; 4 = Customer Service: NEW (Delivery Condition of Replacement Instrument Cluster)

; 5 = Customer Service: Instrument Cluster adapted

; 6 = Customer Service: Keys adapted (Normal Condition)

; 7 = Customer Service: Key Adaptation active


003,0,Immobilizer III (Lock Time)

003,1,Login-Lock,Tester,wrong Login (Specification: 0)

003,2,Login-Lock,CAN-Bus,wrong PIN (Specification: 0)

003,3,Lock,Scan Protection,Key (Specification: 0)

003,4,Status,Immo-LED,See Label File (Specification: 0)

; 0 = No Malfunction (LED OFF)

; 1 = Enabling not possible (LED 1Hz)

; 2 = Adaptation active (LED 1-2 s)

; 3 = Input Malfunction (LED 2Hz)

; 4 = Adaptation Error (LED 1Hz)

; 5 = Malfunction in Line Mode (LED 4Hz)

; 6 = Confirmation active (LED 2s + 1Hz)


007,1,Brand (Key),Recognition


021,0,Immobilizer I

021,1,Engine Start,permitted,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

021,2,Engine (ECU),responds,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

021,3,Key Status,OK,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

021,4,Number of,adapted Keys,Specification: 1...8


022,0,Immobilizer II

022,1,Variable Code,authorized,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

022,2,Key Status,(Transponder Lock),Range: Yes/No

022,3,Fixed Code,authorized,Specification: Yes\nRange: Yes/No

022,4,Immobilizer,Status,Specification: 6 (Immobilizer adapted)

; 1 = End of Assembly Line: NEW (Delivery Condition of New Instrument Cluster)

; 2 = End of Assembly Line: VIN adapted

; 3 = End of Assembly Line: ECU adapted

; 4 = Customer Service: NEW (Delivery Condition of Replacement Instrument Cluster)

; 5 = Customer Service: Instrument Cluster adapted

; 6 = Customer Service: Keys adapted (Normal Condition)

; 7 = Customer Service: Key Adaptation active


023,0,Immobilizer III (Lock Time)

023,1,Login-Lock,Tester,wrong Login (Specification: 0)

023,2,Login-Lock,CAN-Bus,wrong PIN (Specification: 0)

023,3,Lock,Scan Protection,Key (Specification: 0)

023,4,Status,Immo-LED,See Label File (Specification: 0)

; 0 = No Malfunction (LED OFF)

; 1 = Enabling not possible (LED 1Hz)

; 2 = Adaptation active (LED 1-2 s)

; 3 = Input Malfunction (LED 2Hz)

; 4 = Adaptation Error (LED 1Hz)

; 5 = Malfunction in Line Mode (LED 4Hz)

; 6 = Confirmation active (LED 2s + 1Hz)


080,0,Advanced Control Module Identification I


081,0,Advanced Control Module Identification II

081,1,Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)


082,0,Advanced Control Module Identification III





; Adaptation





A050,0,Immobilizer (Vehicle Data learning)


A050,5,Immobilizer (Vehicle Data learning)

A050,6,Please enter the Immobilizer PIN/SKC of the Engine Control Module (OLD PIN/SKC).

A050,7,After that the Learning Process is being initiated the new Immobilizer Control

A050,8,Module adopts the Vehicle-Identification-Number (VIN) and Immobilizer

A050,9,Identification (IMMO-ID) of the Vehicle (from the OLD Engine Control Module).

A050,10,Once the Adaptation is done switch the Ignition OFF for about 2 Minutes.





; Security Access





S00,Immobilizer (J362) Security Access

S01,Prior to Key Learning or adapting a new USED Immobilizer

S02,Control Module the Vehicle specific PIN/SKC (IMMO-Login)

S03,of the new USED Immobilizer Control Module has to be used

S04,to enable the adaptation.

S05,You'll find the PIN/SKC on the Key Tag of the additional

S06,Key (of the Donor Car) or you can acquire it through your

S07,responsible Distribution Center or Importer.





Так что поменять на бензин малой кровью не получиться, нужно искать калибровки тахометра в дампе и править ручками.

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